Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Weekends are for friends

.AHhhhhh the weekend! Time to take a slower breath, have a nap, or spend some quality time with your friends.  There is no such thing as balance in our lives, unless you won the lottery!  Maybe one day goes smooth but you know tomorrow is going to be crazy, that's life with kids and our jobs. I went and had breakfast with a friend this morning, it was so nice to chill out and catch up and not talk about the kids, OK maybe a little.  Afterwards I was relaxed and feeling happy!  As the contest begins on Monday, tell your friends what your up to, they can be the greatest support systems especially in the beginning when things are tough, they will encourage you to stick with it.  Who knows you may end up inspiring them to take on a fitness challenge of their own! So next time you see one of your friends, give them a hug and tell them, thanks!... for just being there and being themselves.


  1. Yup, not quite as much into the "program" down here as I was hoping to be. Oh well, I'm so not beating myself up over it - I'm enjoying the down time and waiting for some hard time to begin again once we're back home!!!

    1. Well enjoy the hot sun! cause all we got here is wet snow! Enjoy your time relaxing, if you have 20mins. go hop on the treadmill, and just get a interval walk in, doesn't have to be hardcore. See ya soon, chow 4 now Mel
