Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 7...Sleep in!

Best Day to sleep in til 9:30am!  Life is good.  So we did it, got through week one, eight to go.  So yesterday, my goal was to be dairy free, no cheese, yogurt, ice cream(Skinny Cow)ect...I did go back and forth to the fridge once or twice wanting some cheese, but all was good.  Why did I do this, to make myself aware of how much I eat and if I cut it out of my diet, would I really miss it.  My experience is that if you go "cold turkey" it's too much too soon, you feel like your giving everything up.  So your goal for this week is to choose one thing and give it up for a day.  The next day reflect in your journal, was it that big of a deal or were you counting the hours for the day to end.  Try to figure out if you eat the food cause your board, or is it a habit like putting cream and sugar in your coffee.  If you can identify this, then it's easier to reconize your behavour and then you can change it.  So tomorrow or Tuesday I want to know what your giving up, today it's chocolate for me!


  1. Think I should get a sticker. I've given up wine, dairy (inc. cheese), all flour products, sugar, citrus .... actually 1 star for each food group LOL
    ... For 12 whole days! Roll on Friday (end of cleanse ~ :)Then it's wine, with a big greasy cheese pizza! ~ topped with chocolate!

  2. Your soooo hard core! I know your joking about the big pig out at the end of your cleanse...aren't you?

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