Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 8...It's all Greek to me.

I wanted to focus on Protein and explain that some sources of protein maybe higher in some foods, but the " quality" of the protein is not as good.  For example, Wild Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon, don't kid yourself here, there is a BIG difference in this one.  Farmed Salmon are cheaply fed, therefore their flesh does not yield (the same amount of) the nutrient Omega-3 that the Wild Salmon is rich in.  Another is Organic Chicken and Grass fed Beef. These both rain supreme! Organic chicken is high in EFA's(essential fatty acids...the good fats),frozen is not.  Grass fed Beef is rich in fatty acids, it's cleaner and healthier and more nutritiously dense.  I'm going to keep it simple cause we could go on forever on this topic.  You will pay more for high quality foods and yes I understand it's a balancing act, having myself to feed a family of 5. We have to meet somewhere in the middle to keep it affordable.  Last but not least, the battle of the yogurts...Greek vs. the Chemical flavors.  Well, Greek yogurt has 2 ingredients, skim milk and bacterial culture, and I counted 19 in the other!  Greek yogurt has 2g of sugar and a wopping 18g protein!  The other has 18g sugar and 7g protein.  The rest... fats, calories, carbs, are very close and this is based on the same serving size of 3/4 cup.  So we are trying to go for quality the best we can, hope this helps you to make a better choice.

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