Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why do we self sabotage!

Ok I will confess, I had a small bowl of ice cream last night.  I know that it goes straight to my thighs, I can feel it as I eat it! My brother is visiting so we went on an ice cream run to get his favourite, Island's only, Utter Guys. I justified it because it was "special occasion" and the worst part is that I'm allergic to dairy! So why do we "go down the rabbit hole" knowing it's not going to have a happy ending? I think self indulging once in awhile is a good thing as long as you have a plan. Yes, have the ice cream, enjoy it, and don't feel guilty.  The next day get on with the program, ie your work out and clean eating.  One treat is not going to derail you if you are consistent in your efforts.  I encourage using a food dairy to all my clients.  It's a great tool that keeps you aware of the amount of food you are actually eating.  By keeping a daily log, you keep yourself accountable and will therefore make better food choices. Give it a try, yes I know at first it seems like another chore but after a week you will see the value in it! Make a new habit. 

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