Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tasty treat!

Is it me or is it crazy out there, all of a sudden.  Ahhh the week before Christmas and I'm still not organized! All I see out there is cookies and candy, of every kind.  Yes it's hard to maintain our girl y figures at this time of year, but we must try our best. Next time you grab that sweet and put it close to your mouth, STOP and think, is this really going to taste that might for 10sec. then it's gone.  Is that 10 sec. worth the time and energy you just spent sweating your butt off working super hard. And most important, how are YOU going to feel after you eat it, if you can have it guilt free and stop at one, go ahead but if your going to spend the rest of the day thinking" you shouldn't have" then don't set yourself up for failure.  Walk away...take that moment to feel the power, you just gave yourself.  You are in control and you are worth more than that! I have a O Calorie treat for you I found at "The Market" in Milstream Village, Celestial Seasonings " candy cane lane" green tea.  I've been looking at all the big box stores, and other speciality stores and could not find it til today, it's soooo yummy and curves the evening cravings, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. MMMM I miss Celestial Seasonings, I must restock next time I'm in the country.
