Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 45...Barb, who is she?

Who is Barb...she is an Official WOD"s...20 pull ups / 30 push ups / 40 sit ups / 50 jump squats for 5 ROUNDS! with a 3 min. rest in between, but because were hardcore, you only get a 2 minute rest! So, the morning, afternoon and evening crew, have had their date with Barb!  Some commented it was the hardest work out yet, some blasted through and surprised themselves and some just didn't have the energy after to even comment!!  What I love about Barb is that it teaches you perseverance.  Somehow you just can't quit, even though you want to.  She kicks your butt but you will not let her, get the better of you, so you finish.  I find that the amount of reps, are just enough to leave a body part burning but not totally fatigued it.  Then you go into the next exercise, till it's over.  I know where your frustrations lye because you "could" have a faster time if you did a thicker band for pull ups or did bent knee push ups instead of full.  BUT in order to keep progressing you have to GO BIG.  Who cares what the people around you are doing or if their passing you, it's about YOUR work out, and you getting stronger. This is not going to happen if you keep doing what you already can do. Let go of the safety net, be prepared to fail and earn every rep, THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!  Great job today!!!!

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