Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 24...the aftermath of Burpees!!!

First of all I have to say how proud I am of you all for completing the 100 Burpee Challenge. YOU TOTALLY ROCKED IT!!!! Yes, the first 20 or so seemed kind of fun, then by the time you hit 30, you realized very quickly that you were "not in Kansas any more!"  By 40, the "Dark Side" was trying to get you to quit, and many of you thought of running out the gym door.  At 50 you were half way, a sigh of relief was felt briefly.  60-70 was just plain brutal, everyone had to dig deep here, including me...I was thinking, this was not such a great idea after all!  By 80, I did my best to cheer you on, and tell you to keep your mind clear.  90 was the home stretch!  95, you had 5 left to go and it seemed like forever...Then it came, that rush of complete exhaustion and euphoria as you finished the last hop and heard clap of your hands, 100 Burpees DONE!  Then, the emotions just poured out of everyone, some laughed, some cried and some just tried to freak'n breath!  All I have left to say is "Buck Furpees!"

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