Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19th...What's the big deal about Breakfast?

I asked the question yesterday, in my gym, "What is your morning power breakfast?"...some said, oatmeal w.berries, eggs and toast, protein shakes and I think one or two of you, just made something up as not to receive a lecture from me!...I know you all too well.
What is the big deal about breakfast, let me tell you!  Breakfast is the key to staying healthy, no matter how busy you are, it provides the energy you need to start your day with a hop and a skip and even a cartwheel if your hardcore!  Some of the benefits are, jump-starting your metabolism in the morning because as you sleep, your body is fasting.  Breakfast replenishes your supply of Glucose(Glucose is your body's energy source), so in order to get your body moving the way you want it to, get eating in the am!  As well, a good balanced breakfast of proteins and carbs, helps to give your brain fuel so you can actually function in the morning and you are less likely to snack on sugary food throughout the day...unwanted extra calories.  I know some of you say that you just can't eat right away, well neither can I.  I get up early, have a coffee and within 30mins.I'm ready to eat, not alot but enough to get me going.  I do my work out, then I'm ready for a full meal.  Start small, see what works, and START a new habit!

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