Good morning, well I was on a bit of a "summer" Blog break, lots going on! Family and friends in town visiting and eating all kinds of wonderful food! Well, they've all left, and my house and fridge are empty! So I sit here this morning with my son, eating some kind of cereal with mini marshmallows in it! I have to say, it was kinda of yummy, as sugar packed cereals usually are...they always leave a funky taste in your mouth, possibly the chemicals from the rainbow of colors on the marshmallows!
Well after a few days of treats I need to get back on track. I actually worked out alot, my friend Carol Ann was visiting me from Vancouver, who I trained since 2005, WOW how time flyes! We did the test run for my month end Boot Camp WOD, Mel's Mudder Madness race, and made sure it was challenging. But have to say handfuls of this and that and...the new Bacon Bar-B-Que 3rd pounder from McDonalds is not making me feel so hot! How do I get back on track??? Well for starters, all the junk food is out of the house. I find that if it's sitting in the cupboard and I know it's there, eventually I give in and eat it, so get the crap food out of your house. Need to write out my meals for the week, then put together a list. Make sure you account for extra servings for each meal, then you can take those extras and freeze them. Then I will send my husband to the store shopping, lol !!! Once I have the food, prep a container of veggies and keep them in the fridge with your favorite calorie friendly dip. Then, when you get the pre-dinner munchies, you can grab that instead of crackers or chips. I know it's summer and our schedual have run of course, but being organized with just even healthy snacks can help alot to keep you on track!
Mel's Daily Dose hopes to inspire and motivate you to be your best. How, by giving you the latest information out there on health and fitness. New tasty recipes, some fact or fiction about your health and the newest work out exercises. Hope you'll join me!
Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
July 20th...Got water!
Good morning, our "Circle of Love" question today in the gym is going to be, what is your daily eating challenge? Or in general your daily diet frustrations! Mine seems to be as of lately, drinking enough water. I can consume copious amounts of coffee no problem but, I can't seem to "want" to drink plain water right now. It has to be either ice cold or flavored with something, like a little squeeze of lemon. Yesterday, my sister-law Lara, sends me this awesome e mail about how to get your water intake up and to add some creative flavoring to so great!

I thought this was awesome, label the bottles for YOUR daily schedule and below are some tasty ways to add a little flare to your water! Fruit wedges, lemon, lime, grapefruit, cucumber, blueberries, oranges, pineapple...mix them up and try some combo's or add some mint leaves. Let me know what your favorite flavor is!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
July 19th...What's the big deal about Breakfast?
I asked the question yesterday, in my gym, "What is your morning power breakfast?"...some said, oatmeal w.berries, eggs and toast, protein shakes and I think one or two of you, just made something up as not to receive a lecture from me!...I know you all too well.
What is the big deal about breakfast, let me tell you! Breakfast is the key to staying healthy, no matter how busy you are, it provides the energy you need to start your day with a hop and a skip and even a cartwheel if your hardcore! Some of the benefits are, jump-starting your metabolism in the morning because as you sleep, your body is fasting. Breakfast replenishes your supply of Glucose(Glucose is your body's energy source), so in order to get your body moving the way you want it to, get eating in the am! As well, a good balanced breakfast of proteins and carbs, helps to give your brain fuel so you can actually function in the morning and you are less likely to snack on sugary food throughout the day...unwanted extra calories. I know some of you say that you just can't eat right away, well neither can I. I get up early, have a coffee and within 30mins.I'm ready to eat, not alot but enough to get me going. I do my work out, then I'm ready for a full meal. Start small, see what works, and START a new habit!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 17th...Banana Popsicle with a 30min. Body Burn!
Good morning, I don't know what is is about summer time that makes me crave MORE than usual, something the the afternoon...and in the evening especially. I found this yummy treat off of Snack Girl is a really great website with alot of awesome is one of them I thought I'd pass along to you, Banana Popsicle's!
Simple ingredients, Greek yogurt, granola, dried or fresh fruit and bananas. If you don't have any Popsicle sticks handy, just cut the banana up into small bite size pieces.
Dip banana into yogurt...I used strawberry yogurt for the kids as they are not fans of the plain Greek yogurt. If you have banana pieces, dip into yogurt with a fork.
Get a bowl and sprinkle a bit of granola and your favorite fruit, I used dried cranberries, over the banana. This can get messy so use a wide bowl or you'll have granola all over the floor...not that I would know!
Line pan with parchment paper, put into the freezer for a couple of hours...
And there you have it, Chase doing quality control for the sake of mankind! Just a note, I actually preferred the small bit size pieces of banana because my teeth don't like biting into anything frozen...this one you might want to eat outside or have your broom handy! Enjoy.
Here you go! A 30 minute full body work out to burn some serious calories!
Full body workout.30mins. plus 5min. warm up / cool down.
Circuit #1 / 30sec.Knees-up along the slats on the floor / 15x Thrusters-squats w.overhead press / 8x alternating high knees into 4x alt.jumping lunges 1min. / 10 Good-mornings. 3 sets.
Circuit #2 / 30sec. lateral squat jumps / 30sec.knees up through slats / 12 stationary lunges w. alt. overhead press / SWTICH LEGS / 12 stationary lunges w.alt.overhead press / 6x Plank w.4 mountain-climbers into 4 jumping jacks / 10x Oblique cross-over 1 leg crunches / repeat other side. 3 sets.
Simple ingredients, Greek yogurt, granola, dried or fresh fruit and bananas. If you don't have any Popsicle sticks handy, just cut the banana up into small bite size pieces.
Dip banana into yogurt...I used strawberry yogurt for the kids as they are not fans of the plain Greek yogurt. If you have banana pieces, dip into yogurt with a fork.
Get a bowl and sprinkle a bit of granola and your favorite fruit, I used dried cranberries, over the banana. This can get messy so use a wide bowl or you'll have granola all over the floor...not that I would know!
Line pan with parchment paper, put into the freezer for a couple of hours...
And there you have it, Chase doing quality control for the sake of mankind! Just a note, I actually preferred the small bit size pieces of banana because my teeth don't like biting into anything frozen...this one you might want to eat outside or have your broom handy! Enjoy.
Here you go! A 30 minute full body work out to burn some serious calories!
Full body workout.30mins. plus 5min. warm up / cool down.
Circuit #1 / 30sec.Knees-up along the slats on the floor / 15x Thrusters-squats w.overhead press / 8x alternating high knees into 4x alt.jumping lunges 1min. / 10 Good-mornings. 3 sets.
Circuit #2 / 30sec. lateral squat jumps / 30sec.knees up through slats / 12 stationary lunges w. alt. overhead press / SWTICH LEGS / 12 stationary lunges w.alt.overhead press / 6x Plank w.4 mountain-climbers into 4 jumping jacks / 10x Oblique cross-over 1 leg crunches / repeat other side. 3 sets.
Monday, July 16, 2012
July 16...Back on Track Mondays!
OK so I'm not a big fan of waiting til Monday to get your life back on track from the ciaos of the weekend but today seems to be appropriately so. I had family in town over the weekend and let's just say, I indulged just a wee bit! You know all the good stuff that comes out when company arrives and it gives you an excuses to eat it or drink it! I had 2 glasses of wine on Saturday and I swear I'm still feeling the wrath of it. Yesterday was totally "Slug-Sunday" and today I had a 3 hour nap!!! It's now late afternoon, and finally I'm getting back on track. The point is, summer is here and you're going to enjoy it, so do so, and do it guilt long as you get your work outs in and eat clean leading up to the pig out days. Try alternating a glass of water between cocktails and always have a veggie tray least it will look like your trying to behave!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
July 15th...Guilt-free treats!
Well I was shopping at my fav. store and look what I found! Pretzel Braids or more like pretzel sticks, anyhow they are soooo awesome plus to make them more "sophisticated," they added a hint of honey. You can chow down on 17 of these and it will only be 200 calories, 2g fat, 4g protein and yes, of course there is some sodium, 330g. But the point is, this is a great alternative to pigging out on a bag of chips any day. There are 11 pretzels on that plate and after inhaling those, I was full...17 is a big portion. So cut it in half for half the calories, add some veggie sticks and enjoy!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
July 12th...Fast Food salad vs.burger, plus workout!
OK so I saw on Cityline the other day they did a burger comparison of several fast food and resteraunt burgers. Let's face it, summer is here, back yard bar-b-ques are gonna happen. So go ahead have a burger, just don't make it a "Bacon-ater"...before you bit, make it an informed decision! As well, don't be fooled by thinking your making a "better" choice and choose a fast food salad, some of those, once you add the dressing, mind as well of had the Bacon-ater! Here's just a couple of comparison's...
Big Mac 540cal./29g fat /1020 sodium / 5g sugar / 24g protein.
Cheese burger 300 cal./ 12g fat / 750g sodium / 15g protein.
McDonald's Cashew Teriyacki salad 400 cal./ 20g fat / 650mg sodium
9g sugar / 25g protein.
Mighty Caesar 450 cal./ 25g fat / 940mg sodium / 23g protein.
now this info is WITHOUT dressing!
ad the dressing...2 tbsp
Asian Thai 130cal / 9g fat / 300mg sodium / 10g sugar
Balsamic Vinaigrette 110cal / 9g fat / 200g sodium/ 5g sugar
If you did indulge in one of these, don't worry I have a work out below guaranteed to burn those calories off!
Full body work out, with a little bit extra love for lunges!
Warm up.A.M.R.A.P.(as many rounds as possible)2 min. rounds/30 sec. skipping x 2. 5 alt. jumping lunges / bear crawl up/down floor.for 2 mins. then 30sec. skipping, 2 rounds.
Circuit 1 / 15 Squats w. DB(dumbells) / Plank 20 sec. hold w. 2 plank push ups repeat 3x / Low jumping jack squats 30sec. / Abs Scissors 1 min.
Do 2 sets, increase intensity, do 3 sets.
Circuit 2 / Stationary lunges right leg front 30sec./ Shoulder circles w.DB 5lbs. 1min. /30sec. alt.jumping lunges / stationary lunges left leg front 30sec./ reverse shoulder flyes 5lbs.DB 1 min./ alt. jumping lunges 30 sec./ stationary lunges right leg 30sec./ front raise, open to side and down, do reverse.5lbs DB 1 min./ alt jumping lunges 30sec./ stationary lunges left leg front 30sec./ Back ext. or Supermans 1min.
Do 2 sets, increase intensity hold weight for lunges.
Cool down stretches.
Love to have your feedback, post comments below!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
July 11th...enough with the lunges already!
Wow, today was a hot one! Awesome to see how hard everyone was working, especially at the end, maximum effort was put forward by everyone. The end of today's work out was great for building your running and increasing your endurance. What did we do?...everyone paired up, one partner doing smash ball squats or ManMakers and the other ran up the hill, then you switched off.
The smash balls are on the left, they are great because it is a full body movement that requires you to go all out...the ball is called a "smash" ball because it is really freak'n heavy and doesn't bounce. You throw it over your head, fast and hard so that it gets a tiny inch off the ground and then you have to scoop it up, repeat, repeat, repeat!
The other half the group was doing ManMakers, again a full body movement that combines, overhead press, into squat, bupee jump out, 1 arm row, jump feet back, clean dumbells back up to a press, repeat, repeat, repeat!
Then your partner has to run up the hill and down, fast you hope! The idea here is that your heart rate is ALWAYS elevated, so by the time you get around to the run, you are grateful as it seems like a rest! So here you are running up the hill SEVERAL TIMES today, increasing your distance bit by bit. Then next time you do a flat run you will notice not only are you not breathing as hard but you ran your set distance with more ease!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
July 10...Quick-Fit Facts
Quick-Fit Facts
1. You would need to drink a quart of milk every day for three to four months to drink as much blood as your heart pumps in one hour.
2. Your heart is about the size of your fist and weighs about as much as a softball.
3. In the course of a lifetime, the resting heart will have pumped enough blood to fill 13 supertankers.
4. The pink under your fingernails is the blood in your capillaries.
5. Your heart is the strongest muscle of your body and beats about 100,000 times in one day, in an average adult.
6. We need light in order to see. Animals that live in deep caves or in the great depths of the ocean where there is no light are often blind or have no eyes at all.
7. A person breathes 7 quarts of air every minute.
8. Almost half the human body's weight is made from one of three types of muscle tissue.
9. The human nervous system can relay messages to the brain at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. Your brain receives 100 million nerve messages each second from your senses.
10. In one day, some 4000 children and teenagers take up smoking.
11. Underwater swimming is the only time you should hold your breathe while exercising.
12. Your brain weight about 3 pounds, is a pinkish gray color and is about the size of a cauliflower.
13. Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.
14. The three bones of the middle ear are so small all three could easily fit on your thumbnail.
15. If all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift 25 tons.
16. If the 300,000,000 tiny air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs could be laid out flat, they would cover a home swimming pool.
17. Tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints.
18. If you weight 100 pounds on earth, you will weigh about 264 pounds on Jupiter.
19. There are 206 bones in the human body. One fourth of them are in your feet.
20. The human body has 45 miles of nerves.
Monday, July 9, 2012
July 9th...Summer leg workout!
So excited today day I'm going to start adding work outs to my Blog! I thought this would be a great idea for those of you who don't live in the Victoria area and can't train with me directly. I've created a shorter version of what we do in my Boot Camp classes. Everything from warm ups, to the "circle of love" question, and any health and fitness topics we cover, I will included those in the video as well. So, hope can you join us, add your comments at the bottom or Face Book me, love to hear from you! I've also included a great tasting, low calorie snack, so you can get your work out ON! and then have a fast and easy meal for after...cause you'll be hungry!
Circuit 1 *Front lunge w.side squat with a over-head press into reverse lung.6 per side.*4 side walking planks with 2 push ups, repeat in other direction, counts as 1, do 3x.*Side to side lunges with floor tap x4
*Abs full sit up with oblique twist at top, opp. knees comes up to opp. elbow, alternate 10 reps(10 per side).Complete circuit 2x, then move to next.
Circuit 2*Lateral hops x8 / 8 single leg squats, tap floor opp. hand to toe,then reach up, REPEAT other leg / 5 decline push ups. Complete circuit 2x.
If you want to take it up a notch, increase your weight but don't sacrifice form and do 3 sets instead of 2.
OK here is my twist on a lettuce wrap instead of using bread! All these ingredients makes 2 wraps. So start with 2 tbsp of your fav. dressing, 1 cup cooked chicken, shrerred carrots and cucumber, and you will need 2 iceberg lettuce pieces...good luck with peeling those!
So lye the lettuce piece out flat like a wrap, add your fillings...
that's my "stunt" tooth pick holding it the wrap together...get it, like a stunt man...
and there you go! OK so the first one I made, did actually look like a wrap, but of course when I went back to make these for the lettuce piece's didn't quite do as they were suppose to. Anyhow enjoy!
*Abs full sit up with oblique twist at top, opp. knees comes up to opp. elbow, alternate 10 reps(10 per side).Complete circuit 2x, then move to next.
Circuit 2*Lateral hops x8 / 8 single leg squats, tap floor opp. hand to toe,then reach up, REPEAT other leg / 5 decline push ups. Complete circuit 2x.
If you want to take it up a notch, increase your weight but don't sacrifice form and do 3 sets instead of 2.
OK here is my twist on a lettuce wrap instead of using bread! All these ingredients makes 2 wraps. So start with 2 tbsp of your fav. dressing, 1 cup cooked chicken, shrerred carrots and cucumber, and you will need 2 iceberg lettuce pieces...good luck with peeling those!
So lye the lettuce piece out flat like a wrap, add your fillings...
that's my "stunt" tooth pick holding it the wrap together...get it, like a stunt man...
and there you go! OK so the first one I made, did actually look like a wrap, but of course when I went back to make these for the lettuce piece's didn't quite do as they were suppose to. Anyhow enjoy!
Friday, July 6, 2012
July family snacks!
Good morning, on this awesome sunny day! So on Wednesday I talked about our inner "Were-Wolf" that comes out in the evening, looking for salt and sugar! One of my brilliant followers, my Sista-in-law Lara, shared her idea of how she controls the "munchies"'s what she had to say, " We eat around 6pm (because my kids are crazy I
don't eat with them but put out dip and veggies). I sit with them and eat
that. The reason it's O.K. for me to eat late is because it's
healthy. So eating later, works for me especially because it's all veggies
and protein. With no less than 5 veggies in every meal. Main ones include
G.O.M.B. Greens (spinach) I add to every meal. Onions at least half,
mushrooms in everything and berries. I save berries for breakfast. The
other secret for me spicy. Everything is spicy. I find that I don't crave
anything else for that reason. I also find alternative snacks. Making
brownies with just dates is awesome with no flour or sugar. Go to my fav
website" I thought this was such a great idea, thanks Lara!
Well if you want to get the family on board with vegetables, make it fun! And since my Sister-in-Law starts her studies for becoming a Personal Trainer, BOO YAH!...she'll need to know all the bones in the body. So you can snack and learn at the same time!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
July 4th...attack late night snacking!
OK, so many of you have told me lately that you are frustrated because you eat healthy all day long and then the clock strikes 8pm and you all turn into hungry werewolves! Your cravings have taken over your brain and you are eating anything and everything covered in chocolate or salt.
The fitness/health industry has long told us not to eat anything after dinner, especially carbs...but the thing is, our lifestyles have change over the last 10-20 years, we don't work 9-5 anymore, and we work out whenever we can, including at night. So our eating habits have to fit our OWN lifestyle. One good rule is to make sure your last meal is finished at least an hour before bed so that you digest your food...other wise you'll be up all night with an uncomfortable full feeling in your belly. Unless you are my husband who has an iron gut, eat anything, anywhere, anytime! First figure out if your hungry or board, drink a glass of water, and wait 5 minutes. Choose snacks that are under 250 calories, and easily digested. Here are some ideas...
The fitness/health industry has long told us not to eat anything after dinner, especially carbs...but the thing is, our lifestyles have change over the last 10-20 years, we don't work 9-5 anymore, and we work out whenever we can, including at night. So our eating habits have to fit our OWN lifestyle. One good rule is to make sure your last meal is finished at least an hour before bed so that you digest your food...other wise you'll be up all night with an uncomfortable full feeling in your belly. Unless you are my husband who has an iron gut, eat anything, anywhere, anytime! First figure out if your hungry or board, drink a glass of water, and wait 5 minutes. Choose snacks that are under 250 calories, and easily digested. Here are some ideas...
Strawberry shake Blend kefir (it's like a liquid yogurt), strawberries, and a teaspoon of honey for a refreshing protein shake that's also chock-full of digestion-enhancing probiotics.
Multigrain pretzels Whether in stick or twist form, pretzels are a surprisingly good alternative to chips. One ounce—about a handful—boasts just over 100 calories. To add some metabolism-revving protein, dunk 'em in yogurt.
Popcorn Choose 100-calorie packs of 94% fat-free microwave popcorn. Or air-pop your own. Skip the butter. Instead, raid your spice cabinet: Use lime powder for tang, cayenne pepper for heat, or a dash of cinnamon for sweetness.
Greek yogurt "It's high protein low in sugar, and can really fill you up," Villacorta says. For more flavor, mix in your own fruit, like sliced papaya.
Frozen blueberries A cup of the fruit is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and more than 4 grams of fiber. For a richer snack, top them with a little light whipping cream.
Crackers For a nutty snack, try Ak-mak crackers (made of stone-ground sesame seeds), multigrain Wasa crackers, or low-fat rye mini toasts. Spread on some hummus or light cheese, or eat with a small slice of lean lunch meat.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July 3rd...Michelle vs Box Jump!
Today was the perfect example about what I was talking about in yesterdays Blog...goal setting! Once a month at my gym, I have all my clients set a goal/exercise to conquer! Today was Michelle's lucky day...her vs. the Box Jump. OK so you can see the look on Michelle's face, she's not looking impressed because I asked her to this after tonight's Boot Camp class. She was like "what" and I was like "your doing it!"
So I gave her a few "choice words" to get her going...
I know one part of her brain is saying, "WTF, Mel is nuts!" and the other is, "OK lets do this!"
I told her she had to "OWN IT!" aggressive, take the Box Jump down!
Michelle is ready set to go!
Ahhhh I'm yelling from the gym, so close!
OK so were on a roll, I give her a breather after 10 attempts or more...I don't want her to get it in her head that she can't do it...once that fear sets in, it's hard to go back.
So we set up for an assist jump, she can do it and clears the top!
I get out of the way, yell at her a lot...positive things of course, and Michelle gives it her all! Again, so close...just that darn right toe, is not ready to step up! The best part of this night was after all this, Michelle was like, I'm gonna do it again tomorrow night, I will conquer this Box Jump! And she will because of her attitude. What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve. Awesome work tonight Michelle, YOU ROCK!
Monday, July 2, 2012
June 2nd...mind mapping your goals!
So I'm sitting here looking out the kitchen window thinking about what I want to accomplish for the month of July...if you know me well, I'm a VERY goal oriented person. This is how I roll, plain and simple. Most days I have a million ideas swirling through my head, once in a while I pull one down, chew on it for a bit, and either put it back or put pen to paper and figure out how I'm going to get to the end result...the goal. I'm a big fan of mind mapping. Put your goal in the center of the page with a circle around it, then start writing down all the ways you need to get to that goal. Be specific. Include all your obstacles and a list of how you will get around these. Basically, your connecting the dots to your goal. Once you see it layed out in front of you, it doesn't seem that overwhelming anymore. You have just made, a step by step plan for your success. In doing this, you are more likely to stick with it and achieve YOUR goal.
If you had goals in the past that you didn't quite finish, take a moment and ask your self WHY you didn't finish these goals. I say this, so that you can understand what truly motivates you. Some goals are other peoples ideas, therefore, you are not truly invested in it. In order for you to be successful at achieving YOUR goal, you have to want it deep down side. You have to be willing to give up whatever it takes to get there and be willing to say no when others what to hear a yes. Every once in a while, we have to put ourselves first and those around us that believe in us will support this. Others, who cannot believe in themselves, will not be able to believe in you. So draw out your path and set your mind, because when you put out positive energy, you get back MORE positive let your inner light shine bright!
If you had goals in the past that you didn't quite finish, take a moment and ask your self WHY you didn't finish these goals. I say this, so that you can understand what truly motivates you. Some goals are other peoples ideas, therefore, you are not truly invested in it. In order for you to be successful at achieving YOUR goal, you have to want it deep down side. You have to be willing to give up whatever it takes to get there and be willing to say no when others what to hear a yes. Every once in a while, we have to put ourselves first and those around us that believe in us will support this. Others, who cannot believe in themselves, will not be able to believe in you. So draw out your path and set your mind, because when you put out positive energy, you get back MORE positive let your inner light shine bright!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
July 1st...Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day everyone! Well, the sun is trying it's best to come out and warm us all up here in Victoria. I hope to head up Island, to spend time with friends today and tomorrow, so sun...get to work! I've been absent on my Blog the last couple of days, because I've just been so tired. I forgot how much doing and event like Tough Mudder, takes from my body. This morning has been the first morning I jumped out of bed, ready to go. I've been napping all week. Yesterday, I napped for 2 hours in the afternoon, then had a "pre-nap" as my husband called it, before bed! I had a great talk with my fellow Mudder, Alison yesterday about how the race impacted I don't mean the bumps and bruises, but how it started a fire inside us. During the race we were raging with energy, when I look back I don't remember any particular hard parts. I KNOW there was some crazy obstacles and a major mountain climb...but somehow my brain is registering it all as fun, and exciting! I think as we came to each obstacle, we just got each other fired up! There was "no try, just do"...Yoda. I think getting out of your comfort zone whatever that might be for you, ignites a fire inside of you, that just keeps growing. The more you challenge your self, the bigger that fire becomes. It's your attitude that keeps the fire next time you think you can't do something, check yourself...try saying, " yes I can do that," sit in it for a moment and open your mind to the possibilities!
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