Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23... Lara's commitment!

Ok so I'm sitting here eating a small piece of chocolate with my afternoon coffee, my thoughts are that I shouldn't be eating it, but it just tastes so good! Am I lacking commitment because I'm indulging in one little piece of heavenly chocolate? This is a daily mental struggle with me, some days I'm strong, fully committed to my work out routine and goals, other days I just don't have the motivation, no matter how many cups of coffee I drink!  I know for me, when I start down this path that it's time to mix my work outs up, my mind and body are telling me they're bored.  And when I'm board I roam the kitchen looking for something to eat, so, got to get busy!  Just coming off the May long weekend, summer is fast approaching.  Need to get it together, like yesterday!  That means, organizing my meals for the week , including snacks, make a list and then go shopping.  For myself, I schedual in my work outs at a time no one can bug me, and write out exactly what I'm going to do.  If I don't, I'll go down to the gym and wonder around uninspired and get nothing done.  I love it when people ask me where do I get the time to work out, seems they have no time to work's not that I have more time than you, the difference is I make it a priority to work out, so I find the time...simple as that. Your goals can't happen over night, but if you take small steps towards them everyday, you are getting closer to that goal and before you know it, you'll be there.  
 For example, my sister-in-law, Lara (above pic), has 4 kids and over the last year she has been fully committed to loosing over 80lbs.!  Yes some days she eats clean, others has a cookie, but she does a little bit everyday.  She works out at home with her Jillian DVD's or stays on track with Weight Watcher meetings.  She is constantly looking for healthy recipes and ideas on healthy living.  If Lara can find time to work out with 3 little ones running around, then so can you! I have a quote on the door in my can have results or excuses, but not both.  Which one are you going to choose?

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