Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May fun is your work out?

I know some days it takes everything you have to get your butt to the gym, trust me I know this, and I have a gym in my house!  Some days it just takes more...more energy, more desire, more confindence and more self discipline.  This affects EVERYONE, we get the "work out blues" or get stuck in rut doing the same old thing.  How do we change it?  Try something new...
Mix up your work out.  Last week I went to the dollar store, got some dice, and wrote 6 different exercises on each.  Then the Boot Camp "Newbies" had to roll them, no pressure, and that was our 5 minute warm up. 
 I know I've come up with some crazy exercise's for the Boot Camper's to do, but by giving them the unexpected, keeps it fun and challenging at the same time.  Nobody gets board in my classes!
And at the end of the day, you have to have fun, because if you don't look forward to your work outs, you won't stay committed.  Find some fun it, and you will see your consistency increase.  Which means you'll be that much closer to reaching your goals!

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