Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 30th...Fight Gone Bad!

Whooo Weee, what a day, even in the rain that blew side ways into your eyes and ears, wind blowing equipment around and the freezing cold, we ROCKED the Crossfit WOD, Fight Gone Bad.  You know your hardcore when you don't let the elements stop you!  Lots going on in the AM class, I was too busy yelling, so I only got pictures from the PM class.  Both classes did amazing and I think a couple of people surprised themselves at how much strength and endurance they have gained over the last couple of months.  Here it is...

Fight Gone Bad: Wall Balls, Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, Box Jump, Over-head Press, Sprint Run (instead of a row).  You do each exercise for 1 minute, as fast as you can, to get as many reps as you can.  Once you've done all 5 in a row, you get a 1 minute break.  You must do this for 3 ROUNDS!  Your partner records your reps, totals reps at end for your score. 
 You start with Wall Balls, how bad can this really be...
and you are out of breath very quickly...

Then you go to SDHP...feels like a bit of a break at first but then your arms want to fall off...

 You stare at the Box Jump...thinking "really" my legs are fried, if I miss how much will this hurt...
but you suck it up and go for it, CLOCK IS RUNNING!!!!...

 Then into Over-Head are breathing hard, feeling dizzy and at this point, some of you thought chunks might start to fly..."good thing were outside!" I said...

 It's almost over, you have no feeling in your legs and arms at this point and you have to finish with sprints!  You run hard knowing a 1 minute rest awaits you!
Just when you catch your breath enough to take a drink, 1 minute is over and you still have 2 ROUNDS LEFT! That's when you realize you're in for a serious butt kicking, and that's why they call it " Fight Gone Bad".

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