Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12...Don't let the scale get into your head!

Where does the time go! I had zero energy left last night, crashed hard.  I can definitely feel the calorie restriction of the 17 Day Diet by the end of my day.  Yes I know I can eat unlimited amounts of protein and veggies, but come on, soon I'm going to look like a rabbit with chicken wings if I keep this up, call me a chick-bit!
  So I got on the scale and it was 146.4lbs so I'm down .2lbs! I was down 2 lbs. at the beginning of the week! I did a big work out last night, so I'll check again tomorrow.  Ahhh how the scale can mess with your/my head.  Why do we put so much importance on that number.  I should know better.  I'm way leaner, and I can actually see my abs.  But nooo, that's not how our brain works.  What we should be doing, is using how our clothes fit and how we feel as our gauge, not some silly number.  Yes, I like the scale as starting point of reference and over a set period of time, an end point.  I was talking to Lara this morning and she said it well, it takes a couple of weeks for your body to kick in and find it's groove.  So, I know I have been doing well, I will not give up hope, as I have 9 days left and expect to see some bigger changes by the end.  I gotta say having no chocolate is killing me...going to try a recipe today, a healthy chocolate alternative. I will try not to eat it all...and share it with you tomorrow.

Breakfast: water/lemon, coffee 1/4 tsp Agave syrup, Protein shake w.3 strawberries. 
Snack: 1/2 Greek yogurt w. 1 tsp. sugar-free jam, handful red grapes, 2 scrambled eggs.
Lunch: 2pieces chicken, raw veggies w. 1 tbsp. Greek yogurt dip, 6 small tortellini pasta...I know, I was about to go crazy!
Snack: 1 apple w. 1 tbsp.nut butter.
Dinner: Fish-Tilapia w. spinach salad, asparagus and you guessed it, more veggies!

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