Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd...5 Tips to start a healthy resolution!

Well, we survived the holiday season and some of us were able to stay up til midnight, and some of us, not so much! Well 2013 is here and time to get rid of the sugar hang-over from the holidays, and get your butt moving!  So here are your top 5 tips, to start a healthy New Year.
#1...What are YOU waiting for, start NOW!  Why wait til Monday to feel good...and be proud of your self for taking control of your life and making healthier choices.  Let's do this!

#2...Not sure how to get started, ASK!  Do some research, contact your local, look in the paper, or go online.  Talk to friends who exercise or who do activities you might enjoy, and then ask them who to contact to find out if it's right for you.  Get a Personal Trainer, to get educated or join a group class, we learn by doing!

#3...Why are you doing this?  Make up at least 3 reasons, and ONE better be that you're improving your health, for YOU...just saying!  Find out and understand why/what motivates you, and then post these reasons somewhere in your face, to remind you daily and keep you motivated when your feeling blue. As well, try to have some fun with it, invite a friend to laugh and cry with you during your workout!

#4...Less is more...If you haven't been doing much over the last month, ease into all your new changes.  If you try to change everything at once, by the end of the week you will be exhausted and frustrated.  New to exercise, try 2-3x week, alternate workout days with rest days, or if you already workout regularly, try increasing your speed and intensity levels.  Choose, to change two items in your diet for the week, then add on each week.  If you feel like your giving up everything, you'll be more likely to have "food" cheats.   

#5...IDEA+PLAN=ACTION!  You have to change things up, get out of your comfort zone, and not be afraid of change.  I know you want this!  Picture what you want in your head, put pen to paper and write it out, make a mind map of your goals, then list how you're going to get there.  List the obstacles as want to be prepared when they come up and have a "solution" action plan so you don't get blindsided.  Once you see your path, there's no stopping YOU!

YOU CAN HAVE RESULTS OR EXCUSES, BUT NOT BOTH!  So, take a deep breath, make one new change today, come on I believe in you.  Get your shoes on, go outside, go for a walk or a run, just get moving!  Need some motivation, send me a message, I want to hear all about your plan of action!

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