Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14th...Day 1...our journey has started!

Let our journey begin!  Today is day #1 of Mel's Resolution Boot Camp Contest.  The hardest part is actually already over, as your biggest step was joining this contest and coming to class.  For many of you, this is going to be an emotional roller-coaster ride.  You will find yourself laughing, crying and swearing under your breath at me. For some of you, standing on a scale and taking measurements, seems like a harsh reality so abruptly brought to your attention.  I will not sugar coat the truth, I will not feel sorry for you and I will not let you do anything less than your best...I will hug you when you need it, I will yell at you when you need it and I give you everything I have, in order to help you reach your goal!  Let's get-er done!
Your goal for this week is to choose 3 not so healthy food items and replace them with healthier choices i.e your daily double/double, go down to 1 cream,1 sugar.  Try no "white" anything i.e bread, rice or pasta and replace with brown carbs.  Watch out for hidden calories in your, wine, pop, juice and choco-a-lot-mochas!  You need to write everything down in your food dairy, THIS WILL BE YOUR MOST VALUABLE TOOL, as it will help keep you accountable.  At the top of the food diary page, it asks you your daily goal, this is where you will write it in.  At the end of the day you will write down if you reached this goal or not. Like anything, your food dairy has to be a priority.  The results you will get after this 9 week period, will be exactly equal to the effort you put forward.    

Above, is a quick outline of my meals for this week.  This should take no more than 5 mins. or so.  
#1 Choose a protein source for each day of the week.  
#2 choose a salad for each day of the week including a low fat dressing. 
#3 Side of vegetables like yams, cauliflower, squash OR 1/2 cup carbs like brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
PORTION SIZE:Protein 4-6 oz. fills up the palm of your hand.  Carbs 1/2 cup.  Fruit 2 pieces a day. Veggies unlimited.  Go light...MEASURE how much sauce/dressing you use, lots of hidden calories in olive oil, honey etc...
LEFT-OVERS!  Always make extra for next day lunches or freeze for dinner next week.  i.e. buy ground turkey...I can make turkey spaghetti sauce, curry veggies turkey meat balls, turkey burger, and turkey Shepard's Pie.  Point is be organised with a specific list when you go shopping.  And as far as your family goes, if you don't tell them whats in it, or for the kids sprinkle a little cheese on it, they won't even notice!  The point is be specific, know what you want, research what is required to get you there, then go after it!


  1. Going to do this long distance... Let's get crackin!

    1. awesome Rach!!!, get your roommate to do your measurements, across shoulders, right arm(bicep area), chest, belly button,hips(center of but or widest part of hips. send me your e mail and I will send off the food diary and stuff!!! this is so cool! miss you:)
