Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23...Portion size...I didn't say, "super-size it!"

OK people, whoever said that size doesn't count, is wrong!  You dirty-birds, I'm talking about portion size for the food you eat!  At what point did we need to "Super-Size" a meal or get a "Super-Big Gulp"'s crazy talk and out of control.  If you were to split your plate into 3 portions, the biggest half would be for veggies, then the other two left over potions of 1/4 would be a protein and starchy carb.  Below, I thought was a good visual and guideline for you to use. 

I'm not going to tell you you can't have bread or pasta.  Actually, all I want you to do is, swap out all the "white" food in your diet like rice, bread, crackers etc...and replace them with a whole wheat source...white = refined!  For now, just focus on that and portion size...think about what you put on your plate.

 Choose bright colored veggies and dark leafy greens as they have the most vitamins.  Nobody got fat eating vetables, so include them in every meal, just go light on dipping sauces or dressings...
 Lots of protein sources such as, salmon, chicken, lean pork, and lean cuts of beef.  Try to have 4-6oz or about 3/4 cup.  Beans are a great hot or cold in a salad, just try to stick to 1/4 cup.  I like nuts and seeds because they add that crunch factor and have fat in them which help hunger cravings.  Just be very careful because these little guys pack a whole lotta calories.  Try and apple and 10 almonds as a snack...yes I said just 10 or sprinkle a tbsp over a salad.  Eggs are my favorite "go-to" food, because they are just so darn versitile and easy to prepare!  Try one egg mixed with 1/4 cup egg-whites to get more protein and less calories.
And of course our starchy carbs, we all love them!  Your goal here is to try to have 1/4 cup portion for each main meal.  For lunch, try half a pita stuffed with veggies, Taziki and 2 slices of turkey and then a big salad or clear broth soup.  Same with your sandwhiches, only have half with a cup of soup and a bowl of raw veggies and hummus dip.  At the end of the day you have to get creative with the foods you like.  And DON'T FORGET TO WRITE IT ALL DOWN IN YOUR FOOD JOURNAL...keeps you accountable!

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