You can make this work out 25mins. or about 45mins. just by adding extra sets. Here we go! We start the work out with our "circle of love"...question of the day... "What is your favorite yogurt topping?"
WARM UP: 400m run x2
#1) 200m run / 2 Frog hops(forward jumping squat) w.ONE 1/2 Burpee, repeat combo for 1min./
LADDER knees-up 1min./ 4 Mountain climbers and 4 knee tucks 1min...3 SETS
...if you don't have a ladder, draw one out with chalk like I did above...
...mountains climbers, keep your chest over your hands, no butts in the air!
#2) 200m HILL run/ Side walking plank 1 min...halfway, switch sides/ LADDER in and out jump squats traveling up ladder 1 min. / 5 Jumping Jack planks w. 1 Push-up 1min. 3 SETS
...set yourself up in a plank position, hands under chest, back flat, hop your feet in and out like a jumping 5 then...
...1 push-up, repeat for 1 glorious minute!
#3) 200m run / Sumo Squats 1 min./ traveling plank through LADDER, 5 sec hold for opposite arm, opposite leg extension 1min./ Alt. jumping lunges 5 sec.-1 push-up, alt.jumping lunges 10sec.-2 push-ups, alt. jumping lunges 15sec.-3 do combo's in reverse! 3 SETS...for Sumo squats, do a squat then swing the leg around so your facing the opposite direction...
...remember to be light on the toes for the private into the other direction, don't want to twist your knee, chest up, butt low...
...traveling plank, walk your hands up and down the ladder for 10sec. then...
...hold opposite arm and leg extended for 5 sec...squeeze your butt and abs and try to pretend to balance a tray full of cocktails your back!
...then alternating jumping lunges. Make sure to bend your back knee, then use your hands to drive upwards to gain some height, switch legs in air, try to land the seconds increase so to the push ups! Help yourself out, make the feet wide, abs tight and CHEST TO THE FLOOR PEOPLE!
We finished with a "little" Ab work then it was stretch time! Great job everyone. If your short on time do only 2 sets from each circuit, otherwise do 3 sets. If you want to take it up a notch, make all your runs up a hill and no break after each set. Enjoy, send me a message and tell me how you did!