Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10th...Monthly Monday WOD...Loaded Gun!

 What is our monthly Monday WOD...well WOD stands for "workout of the day".  Once a month we do a REALLY big, fun, crazy work out.  I usually have  some idea of exercises I will include on that day, a particular movement the class has been working on for the last month.  On Saturday night I looked down at my notes feeling uninspired, this was supposed to a big deal, something my clients looked forward too each month...I did not want to let them down...
 I woke up Sunday morning and looked out my window, my front yard was a blank canvas just sitting there begging to be more!  Then it hit me, Tough Mudder is just around the corner so let's give them a taste of what they're in for!
I put pen to paper, downed another cup of coffee and there you have it, Monday's WOD, "The Loaded Gun"...I called it that because our main focus skill was the "pistol kick".
 Once the kids were up, I bribed Max with junk food and off we went!  We headed down to the beach to fill sand bags for 2 of the circuits, 40 bags filled in total!
Each bag contained about 10lbs. of sand...
First obstacle was "Going shopping"....
They had to run up the hill or down the sidewalk with 2 grocery bags...
I thought I'd post some motivational signs for them along the way!
OK...not only did Leah carry the bags full of sand BUT she was pushing Dempsey in the stroller too! I LOVE IT!
OK, OK, so maybe I got a little carried away with the "motivational" signs...I thought it was funny!
I thought I'd share to true angle and steepness of this hill they had to run...oh did I mention that there was 3 TUCK JUMPS at the end of EVERY run...that was their rest time!
Some enjoyed this more than others...common Fi, turn that frown upside down!

The next obstacle was the tire drag...except I had to make it...more shopping!
 Good thing I own a drill, rope and water noodles...
 Pretty self explanatory...
 The tire weighs about 15-20lbs...but at least I gave them the water noodle foam so the rope wouldn't hurt when you pulled it...don't say I never spoil you all!
 2 laps people!
Did I mention each obstacle was 4 minutes long....
While their partners drag the tires up and down the driveway for 2 laps the others had to do Mountain Climbers...I had to give you something...didn't want you to be board just standing there!
 Here was the dreaded Pistol Kick...this destroyed some people...the next day you all had some "kind" words for me!

 Each kick was followed by a push up and then just kept going!

 OK I threw this in as a "breather" station and for laughs!
 Games faces on!
 They had to scoop water from one these tiny containers!
 and carry it to the other end of the yard...the goal was to fill your bucket!
 OK this is where EVERYONE had to dig deep...we finished the WOD with G.I.Janes, which is a pull-up then down to a push-up...chest to floor baby!
 Janine with chin over bar and Crystal with chest to floor push-ups!
 Erin pulling with all her mite!
 Jill just hanging around at the top!
Alison says the view is clear from up here!
 Tara is like you F*@%$^#-ing Push-up...BRING IT ON!
 Diana I think, had some "choice" words for the pull-up bar too!
 At this point I thought Leah might have strapped the stroller on her back and did a pull-up...I think that might have been showing off just a weee bit, YOU Rocked it girl!
 Then Tony, Dale and Christina, what a team, so awesome to see them cheer each other on!
It was sooo awesome to see everyone give it their all and do the best they could do, that's what it's all about!

So proud to say there is "NO QUIT" in my gym!

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