Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24...More Tires! = More Box Jumps!

Well here I am AGAIN at Kal-Tire!  My favorite "tire store".  I have to say how awesome their staff is, because every time I come in and tell them my ideas, they are eager to help me.  So we did some "dumpster style" tire diving and came up with the perfect pair of I thought...
OK sooooo the tires were bigger than I thought.  When they were in the tire yard up against the BIG tires, these ones seemed small...not so much.  I originally wanted to make steps out of them for under my pull up bars but once I got them home and realized they were just too big...I thought what am I gonna do...Warren's gonna freak out if he sees I brought more tires home...I have to disguise them!
So I thought, hey we could use these big suckers for box jumps!  I got my BIG brother and his BIG truck and I got some wood, and off I went! 
Here's your "box-jump" tire lesson 101...First, find some awesome motivational quotes.  Second use black spray paint to write out your quote to make sure it fits around tire or mark it with chalk.  Third use painter's tape and cover your quote...
Fourth, find some really bright color spray paint so than no one can miss it!
I was banished to the very back corner of our yard for my spray painting tire shenanigans, because last time I did this, I did it in our front yard and killed the grass.  So now we have a permanent discolored grass circle in the front yard that I am reminded of on a regular basis when Warren sees me with a can of spray paint! 
Well at least I use the wooden crate this time!
Might have a colorful rock garden thou!
Now once the tires are good to go, get your husband who loves to spend his spare time making toys for the gym, and cut out circular tops with a 3/4 inch plywood for the tops of the tires...make sure the edges are flush with the tire as you will catch your toe on it.  Chase is the official edge inspector!
Then you want to paint the edges of the exposed wood to help seal it from water damage.  Cut out rubber matting for the tops of the tires...make sure you use a textured rubber, something your shoes will grip to.  If you were to use a smooth rubber sheet on top the tire and the bottom of your shoes got wet from the ground or spilt water and you jumped on the tire, you could slip right off!  Then find some cute kid in the neighborhood to help you nail the rubber sheets to the wood.  
Well there you have it, my new "tire" box jumps!  Awesom-ER!...P.S. thanks to the worlds best husband who is understanding and patient, and who loves his  wife and her tires!

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