Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28th...Back in action!

Well I'm back, as the Terminator would say...I wonder if he ever got the flu?  OK I have to say...I haven't felt that run over by a train, in a long time!  The flu hit our family pretty hard, I was the last of course, believing that I wouldn't get it...until our youngest was really sick and spent several nights in our bed coughing thru out the my face.  I will spare you the gory details!  Then Christmas came and went, in a wink of an eye!  And now, New Years is right around the corner!  I just realized that I haven't Blogged since Dec. 4th!  And I have also realized that part of the reason I got sick was my body was saying slow down!  I did work out during the flu and have to say I did feel better, but afterwards I was wiped for the day.  One thing I really noticed was how sugar effected my moods and energy level.  With all the left over baking and party food and no self-restraint, I have been over indulging and really just eating with out thinking. This has done a real number on my system.  After eating this type of food I've notice shortly after, a huge energy crash, where I literally have to go have a nap, and then wake up feeling like I'm hung over. Ok so I don't look that cute after I wake up!
This yo-yo sugar diet has also increased my irritability...go figure! Which is not so good, since the kids are home from school for another week! So what have I enjoy the holidays, family and friends, and eat lots of food you wouldn't normally eat!  The great thing about the holidays is, you feel so grouse afterwards, like a bloat seal that you won't do it again til next year!

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