Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2nd...Survival Guide to the Christmas Calorie Creep!

Welcome to the Christmas Calorie Creep!  So I'm not a big fan of jumping on the scale as our weight can fluctuate so much over any given day.  What frustrates me is that sooo much emphasis is put on that number, it can make or break our day.  But on special occasions, i.e. the month of December, so much damage can occur!  So here's where I pull out the big guns and ask my clients to step on the scale to keep the "Christmas Calorie Creep" at bay.  This month is all about over indulgence, from drinking, to eating to shopping, so let's not try to go up a belt size!
My goal for you this month is to hold steady and stay on track.  All month long I'm going to give you your daily holiday survival guide. You'll have work outs to do, healthy recipes to make, learn how to substitute your favorite high calorie dishes , party survival tips, keeping your cool when family invades your home, and taking a few moments for yourself.  So tune in daily, get what you need and get on with your day!

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