Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26th...U r what U eat!

 Ok so I'm standing here staring into the abyss called my fridge, of course I'm thinking to myself, there's nothing to eat.  I sound like my kids!  The fridge is full...of good food, no junk food anywhere around here...unfortunately.  Why, cause I'd eat it!  I know myself and if there are any sweets or baking or any other food that is going to land on my ass, I will track it down at 9pm and eat it!  A conversation that keeps coming up in my gym is, I'm working out, why am I not loosing any weight. Because you are what you eat...We have to think of our bodies like a car engine, if you put in crappy fuel in it, i.e. fast food, or junk food, your engine has to work extra hard to break down all those empty calories, when instead, it should be burning calories.  This extra work puts alot of stress on your body.  When you put in clean fuel, veggies, fruits, meat and whole grains, your body runs smooth and efficiently.  If your are feeding your body clean fuel, then your results will come faster.  It's not going to happen over night.  Give yourself 4-6 weeks of eating clean and working out 3-4x week and you should be seeing some amazing changes.  I will totally admit to having a chocolate bar or piece of pizza once in awhile, but I do it on days where I've had a big work out.  Plus, if your on it with your eating and exercise, 1 cheat day is not going to harm you.  Next week I will be focusing on the Paleo diet, so stay tuned for some yummy recipe ideas! 
Here's a thought, next time you start shoveling empty calories into your mouth, ask yourself...are you upset, are you tired, are you bored or are you actually hungry?  Think before you eat...start recognizing your habits so that you can change them!  One day at time, gets you closer to your goal.

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