Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19th...How to stay motivated!

Well were a couple of weeks into the New Year and one question that always comes up do you stay motivated week after week?  So I thought I'd put together a list of my favorite "go-to" ideas down for you to read...
#1) Any day is a good day to start working out...stop waiting for Monday and get off the pot already!
#2) Have a specific goal and I mean, number of pounds etc...write it down, how do you see yourself in that goal, imagine how it would feel after you ran your first 5km or 10km!
#3) Schedual in your workouts just like any other appointment, get a calender, put it in your face so you see it everyday and mark down for the whole month all your workouts, including time.
#4) Remind yourself that everyone has started from the beginning and has been where you are right stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do it!
#5) Be accountable.  If you miss a workout, no wine, beer or pizza for you!  Offset a negative with a positive and eat clean.
#6)Get support...tell friends and family so they can get on board with you and help support your goal and share the journey with you!
#7) Build a milestone chart for your goals.  For example... In two weeks loose 2lbs. your a friend a coffee, go for a walk and share your experience with them.  One month loose 4lbs. book a pedicure with a friend, two months 7lbs. date night with a loved one and share your experience with them...the more we share with the people around us the more they understand how important this is to us.  Who knows you might inspire someone...
#8) You are not the story in your head...I can't do this because I'm bla, bla, bla...Change the channel already!  How do you expect anything to change if you keep doing the same thing!  Once you open up yourself to the idea of possibility anything can happen!  Take baby steps.  Change one thing at a time and before you know, you'll be taking bigger steps and breaking out of your old habits and full on running toward a healthier future!
 Here's a good example of facing your fears...Kristen who is 5 feet tall on a good day, is going to attempt a 30 inch Box Jump...
NOTE...that this box height is more than half of her...but she's gonna take it on anyway!
These were pictures from her 1st attempt after Saturdays workout.  During the workout she was able to jump but only land on her the end she said "lets do this" and I spotted her with only my hand held out.  A full Box Jump was not accomplished today...but I bet over the next 30 days I will be posting a picture of Kristen doing it all on her own, Boh Yah baby!

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