Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14th...Organizing your meals=success!

So I was chatting with the Boot Camp classes and was inquiring on how our first week of Paleo eating went.  Some of you just sighed and hung your head, as the idea of giving up bread was just too much.  Others tackled it full on and by the end of the week were reaping the rewards of feeling great, down a couple of pounds and found that their workouts were better.  I myself had a cookie and one was either that or eat my hand off.  Which leads me into the point of today's blog...if your organised with your meals and snacks, you will be successful on this Paleo journey.  If you don't invest the time of meal planning, then your cravings will be sure to get the best of you!
#1 Plan out your meals and snacks for the detailed!  
#2 Write up a grocery list.
#3 Schedule in a good hour where you won't be interrupted by family and "go to town" and get all your meals and snacks prepped.  Make sure you prepare enough for left overs and even better, enough to have a back up meal in the freezer for emergency.
#4 If you fall, get back up...if you loose it and eat a handful of chocolate chips, don't throw the whole day out the window.  Move on and make your next meal better.

#1 If you think you can "wing" the Paleo dieting...think again!  These meals require some thought using Paleo friendly ingredients.
#2 Buy only what is on your grocery list!  If you buy crap food and think that your will-power will be enough, think again...when your tired and hungry, your cravings for sugar and salt will take over your will be as if you just turned into the Hulk!
#3 Not having back up meals leads to temptation, go buy a tray of pre-cut veggies if you have to and leave them in the fridge so you can snack on them while making dinner.
#4 Don't get caught up in making every meal perfect...instead strive for consistency with your meal times and what your eating...
At the end of the day, your trying to improve your habits.  It's not going to happen over night.  Each day, strive to do better than the last.  Those days will add up and before you know a week or two will have past and you'll be getting the hang of it and feeling good!

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