Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7th...How important is changing up your work out?

Changing up your workout is essential!  It keeps bordom at bay, it keeps you from hitting a platue and will make you a better "all around" athlete.  So let's go over the first one, bordom.  We all get board of the same old work out routine at some point.  I know when it's time to change things up, because I become uninspired and don't look forward to my training.  Yes, I actually love working out.  Some days I have to drag my butt down to the gym, but 90% of the time, I'm fired up, and good to go!  Usually every 4-6 weeks you need to change your routine so you don't hit a plateau.  When this happens, your body has accomidated or "gotten use to" the exercises.  Therefore it doesn't need to work as hard, which in turn your gains in strength slow down.  It's kinda like learning to ride a bike.  At first it's really challenging, falling off, getting back on, alot of work.  But after awhile you get the hang of it and then suddenly you can do it with out even thinking!  That's the point where your body has hit a plateau.  So, step outside your comfort zone and try something totally new, for a week.  You might just surprise yourself!
How to become a well rounded all the things your bad at!  Work on your weaknesses and not your strengths.  Yesterday, I decided to do a speed and agilty my ass kicked, haven't been that tired, like that in awhile.  So, very quickly I realized that I haven't put enough effort into that kind of training lately. That night at Boot Camp, I announced that we are going to have speed, agility and balance training for a week each month in our CrossFit classes.  In my opinion, you can't just have tunnel vision and focus solely on one type of routine or style of training.  Mixing up as many exercise options as possible, keeps your body strong and your less likely to get injured because your a more "rounded"athlete...meaning your strengths and weakness  have become more balanced.  So take on something new, challenge yourself knowing your going to get your butt kicked and have some fun!
 I decided to do a "field trip" for last night's Boot Camp class...we ran some stairs...several times, did a mini workout in between and finished...
...with a jump in the lake, life is good! 

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