Mel's Daily Dose hopes to inspire and motivate you to be your best. How, by giving you the latest information out there on health and fitness. New tasty recipes, some fact or fiction about your health and the newest work out exercises. Hope you'll join me!
Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 45...Barb, who is she?
Who is Barb...she is an Official WOD"s...20 pull ups / 30 push ups / 40 sit ups / 50 jump squats for 5 ROUNDS! with a 3 min. rest in between, but because were hardcore, you only get a 2 minute rest! So, the morning, afternoon and evening crew, have had their date with Barb! Some commented it was the hardest work out yet, some blasted through and surprised themselves and some just didn't have the energy after to even comment!! What I love about Barb is that it teaches you perseverance. Somehow you just can't quit, even though you want to. She kicks your butt but you will not let her, get the better of you, so you finish. I find that the amount of reps, are just enough to leave a body part burning but not totally fatigued it. Then you go into the next exercise, till it's over. I know where your frustrations lye because you "could" have a faster time if you did a thicker band for pull ups or did bent knee push ups instead of full. BUT in order to keep progressing you have to GO BIG. Who cares what the people around you are doing or if their passing you, it's about YOUR work out, and you getting stronger. This is not going to happen if you keep doing what you already can do. Let go of the safety net, be prepared to fail and earn every rep, THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT! Great job today!!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 42 Sun, 43 Mon, 44 Tuesday...Be inspired!
Well it's been a rough couple of days, between catching Chase's cold and having an Acid Reflux attack last night, I'm feeling a bit run over! So this will be short and sweet. Do or talk about what inspires you today. Notice how excited you will get and how happy you will feel and see the smile it will bring to your face. If you do this often enough, it becomes contagious. People will want a "piece" of whatever it is that inspires you because they see how positively it effects you. Then, eventually, it comes full circle because your actions have now inspired them. So get out there, and shine!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 41...No FEAR!
This was a day for NO FEAR! It is amazing, what great things can happen if you let go of "the fear", shut the voices off in your head and just go forward. I know it's hard, easier said than done. I find that sometimes we let our fear hold us back, either cause we don't want to fail at something or we believe it's out of our reach. When we finally give ourselves a "good talking to" get just a hint of courage, the mind and body switch gears. Suddenly the impossible seems possible, even if we aren't perfect the first, second, or tenth time...the fact that were trying is THE POINT altogether. Today's Boot Camp was amazing, I brought out the tire and everyone was like "BRING IT ON!" Once you step through the fear, you are unstoppable. As they say "proof is in the pudding." When we started this journey, I would tell you the exercises and work outs we'd be doing and most were like "no way, I can't do that" and now attitudes have shifted, minds are open and you all are ROCK'N OUT on pull ups, push ups, and box jumps, the list could go on. As a Trainer, seeing everyone progress, and have "their moments" whether it be a first pull up or box jump, you make me proud and so lucky I get to share this journey with you!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 40...Your motivational quotes!
This was allot of fun! I have to say one of my better ideas and yes, I may have gotten carried away, having a shirt in every color! Here are some of the shirts and the fabulous quotes you came up with...
Let's wear these shirts proud, earn your WOD numbers on the sleeves and have some fun!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 38+39... Cauliflower Pizza!
OK so I love pizza, it's my "go to" food. I could live off pizza if I could keep it from piling up on my butt and thighs! And since that's not going to happen, I must find sister in law Lara, sent me a reciepe from, check the link out below for the full recipe and preparation.
I thought "WHAT" pizza made from cauliflower...I'm still talking myself into liking cauliflower because it's so good for you and so versitile. So here goes...
Grate 1/2 a head of raw Cauliflower, equals about 2 cups. Then put into the microwave for about 8mins...just to soften it up.
mix all ingreadients and press into pizza pan.
15mins. in the oven at 350 degrees, I used salsa for pizza sauce.
I put ham and pineapple on mine and the kids were the official taste testers! One said, "no way", one tried 1 piece, but that was it and the other had 2 pieces. I really liked it, good alternative and less calories. One problem I had was the crust was too soft for me so need to figure out how to make it crispier. Keep that in mind when you make yours and let me know what you came up with. Maybe I could have made the crust a bit thinner, otherwise I got 4 pieces from the recipe, enjoy!
I thought "WHAT" pizza made from cauliflower...I'm still talking myself into liking cauliflower because it's so good for you and so versitile. So here goes...
Grate 1/2 a head of raw Cauliflower, equals about 2 cups. Then put into the microwave for about 8mins...just to soften it up.
mix all ingreadients and press into pizza pan.
15mins. in the oven at 350 degrees, I used salsa for pizza sauce.
I put ham and pineapple on mine and the kids were the official taste testers! One said, "no way", one tried 1 piece, but that was it and the other had 2 pieces. I really liked it, good alternative and less calories. One problem I had was the crust was too soft for me so need to figure out how to make it crispier. Keep that in mind when you make yours and let me know what you came up with. Maybe I could have made the crust a bit thinner, otherwise I got 4 pieces from the recipe, enjoy!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Day 37...I think I can...
Ok So I've been MIA last couple of days, sick thanks to my son. All is almost good. Megan sent me this quote and I thought it was AWESOME...why, because it's about how you see yourself. We all know there is a big difference between maybe and yes. Maybe I will go to the gym today or YES I WILL go to the gym today. When you're "on the fence" in life not much happens, cause your just sitting there waiting for IT to happen. When you speak in the power of doing or action, that's when great things can happen. Some of you walk up to the pull up bar saying " I can't do this" you've already set yourself up for failure without even trying, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! At that point I want to smack you in the head like the "V8" commercials! What about letting go of fear, and seeing what's on the other side of the fence????? Next time, how about saying to yourself, will do this, and even if your failed...AT LEAST YOU TRIED!!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day 31...Tabata This!
is an Official WOD, 20 sec. work/10 sec. rest x 8 rounds...for each exercise!
The fun starts with SQUATS...
Then throw in some PULL UPS...
Don't forget the abs...
It wouldn't be a WOD with out PUSH UPS...
Finally flush it out with a ROW!
"TABATA THIS"...Done! we'll add a number on your sleeve! So this one was, a bit of an eye opener for you! Just when you thought it couldn't get any harder, it got worse...Tabata This, is the "gift" that just keeps on giving, right into the next day and then next for some of you! What I love about any Tabata is, that the repetitive nature of the drill helps to improve your skill level because your doing so many reps over and over. That repeat, literally drills the exercise into your head. I know it was hard, but you all did amazing! Everyone fought for that last rep and you learned the value of "every second counts!". Hmmmm I wonder what WOD we will do next week??? I can't wait for the weather to get better and we can open up the garage door! Great job everyone, BE PROUD!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 30...Gymnastics week!
Ok so here we go, it's Gymnastic's week, time to have some fun and be like a kid again! Yes, it's going to be a bit of a mental struggle. Getting into a handstand and hanging upside down in the rings for levers, requires you to not be afraid of falling on your head! When I first started Crossfit, the second day, we had to do handstands. I sucked. I was so afraid of smashing my head on the ground...and I did, several times, but got over it and now I'm a bit better. The point is, your not going to be a Rock Star the first, second, third or even the 10th time you try this. You just have to keep pushing yourself, knowing that it will get easier. Yesterday and today, we attacked the wall with our heels for handstands and swung like monkeys on the rings, practising levers. I'd say by the end of class, their confidence levels were allot better...what do you think?
Easy, Breezie, Laura!
Then, Bev started to show off!
I know Sally practised this at home...didn't you!
"I'm afraid, I can't do a handstand"...WHATEVER!...look at the grins on Leah and Sunny's faces, you two are double trouble!
Ok so here we go, it's Gymnastic's week, time to have some fun and be like a kid again! Yes, it's going to be a bit of a mental struggle. Getting into a handstand and hanging upside down in the rings for levers, requires you to not be afraid of falling on your head! When I first started Crossfit, the second day, we had to do handstands. I sucked. I was so afraid of smashing my head on the ground...and I did, several times, but got over it and now I'm a bit better. The point is, your not going to be a Rock Star the first, second, third or even the 10th time you try this. You just have to keep pushing yourself, knowing that it will get easier. Yesterday and today, we attacked the wall with our heels for handstands and swung like monkeys on the rings, practising levers. I'd say by the end of class, their confidence levels were allot better...what do you think?
Easy, Breezie, Laura!
Then, Bev started to show off!
I know Sally practised this at home...didn't you!
"I'm afraid, I can't do a handstand"...WHATEVER!...look at the grins on Leah and Sunny's faces, you two are double trouble!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 28/29...Kale, the power food!
Kale Chips: set oven to 350 degrees.
Line baking pan w.Parment paper(makes them crispier). Toss Kale w. olive oil in a bowl, spread on pan, sprinkle your favourite seasoning, bake for 15mins. YUM!
Onto a different note, we are 4 weeks into Boot Camp, so mid week we will do weigh in's and measurements again, to track your progress. Many of you are commenting on how good you are feeling and that your clothes are getting looser. This is perfect, we are right on track! If you have been on your "A" game, then hold steady and there should be some big changes happening to your body over the next couple of weeks. If your a slacker, wake up and "get your head out of the sand!!!" that's me being polite. Time flyes and March 16th will be here before you know it.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Day 27...Fight Gone Bad!
In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point.
The stations are:
1. Wall-ball, 10 ft target 20lb for guys, 12 lb for girls (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull 75lb guys/ 50lbs girls(Reps)
3. Box jump (Reps)
4. Push-press (Reps) 75lb guys/50lb girls
5. Row (Calories)
AwesomER, here are your numbers ladies! WOD was for 2 rounds(ran out of time for the 3rd)
Trellia 208 / Angela 201 / Sally 189 / Alison 203 / Leah 222
Great job today ladies, you were sooo inspiring and it was so exciting watching you push right to the every end. Now you understand " that every second counts". You are all truely AMAZING!!!
So lucky to be your Trainer ;)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 24...the aftermath of Burpees!!!
First of all I have to say how proud I am of you all for completing the 100 Burpee Challenge. YOU TOTALLY ROCKED IT!!!! Yes, the first 20 or so seemed kind of fun, then by the time you hit 30, you realized very quickly that you were "not in Kansas any more!" By 40, the "Dark Side" was trying to get you to quit, and many of you thought of running out the gym door. At 50 you were half way, a sigh of relief was felt briefly. 60-70 was just plain brutal, everyone had to dig deep here, including me...I was thinking, this was not such a great idea after all! By 80, I did my best to cheer you on, and tell you to keep your mind clear. 90 was the home stretch! 95, you had 5 left to go and it seemed like forever...Then it came, that rush of complete exhaustion and euphoria as you finished the last hop and heard clap of your hands, 100 Burpees DONE! Then, the emotions just poured out of everyone, some laughed, some cried and some just tried to freak'n breath! All I have left to say is "Buck Furpees!"
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 23...Lemon Meringue pie vs. Burpees!
OK, OK, so I had a piece of Lemon Meringue pie yesterday afternoon...I did mention it was my favorite pie last week in our circle of love questions. Well, I only ate half cause it wasn't "lemony" enough and it wasn't that great actually so I didn't want to waste the calories. So I was thinking how many Burpees would I have to do in order to burn this off? One slice was 230 calories, I ate 1/2, so not too bad, accept you should see the slices I cut!! I read somewhere that a in about an hour you can burn 450 calories, give or take, doing Burpees. So this lead me to my next great idea, I'm so excited...are you ready??? This week is going to be Fitness Challenge Week, I told you we were stepping up our game! Not gonna tell ya what you're in for, just mentally, be ready and I want AND expect a 100% from you! P.S. the Monday pm group ROCK IT! I'm so proud of you, way the push through right to the end! I knew you could do it!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 22...which one are you?
I love this quote, the message is so clear...NO EXCUSES. Now that we are 3 weeks into the contest, you are where you're at, based on the effort you've put in so far. If your not happy with your results so far...go look in the mirror and ask that person, what is holding you back from giving 100%, get out a pen and paper as it might be a long list of EXCUSES. If you've been "on it" then you must be feeling amazing, nothing holding you back and going forward 100%. It's time to step up our game! Expect your work outs to be at higher intensity and were moving into more complex moves. So, make sure you are having a small meal at least an hour before our work outs(try to have no dairy) and pack a snack for right after to prevent yourself from crashing. Let's do it!!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 18 and 19...are you on track?
Well were almost 3 weeks in...are you on track or starting to fall off into your old ways. Don't be thinking you have lots of time, we only have 6 weeks left and it's going to fly by fast. At this point you should be up to 3 days a week of working out, if not 4. At this point, if you have been keeping up with the food diary, you can see how beneficial it really is. That is one tool that will keep you on track! As I see each of you coming into the gym, I can notice the changes in your body starting to take place. This is really exciting cause now you get a little taste of your hard work starting to pay off. A couple of reminders to help you stay on track, do your food diary everyday!!!, get your meals organized at the beginning of the week, schedual in all work outs just like any other appointment, always have snacks packed with you so when your on the go you can make a healthy choice and when your tired and don't want to work out, stop thinking...get you shoes on and go! The hardest part of the work out is just getting your butt there!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day into a rest day!
It was a rough start to my the day!
woke up with a stiff neck...
I thought, maybe all I needed was a cup of coffee or two...
or maybe my morning routine, that'll get me going!
I always feel better after a work out...those dare decline push ups, so hard!
a morning shower will put a bounce in my step...who took the last towel?
OK now focus and get this Blog done...maybe just a quick cat nap...
what you looking at...everyone needs a break, once in awhile!
woke up with a stiff neck...
I thought, maybe all I needed was a cup of coffee or two...
or maybe my morning routine, that'll get me going!
I always feel better after a work out...those dare decline push ups, so hard!
a morning shower will put a bounce in my step...who took the last towel?
OK now focus and get this Blog done...maybe just a quick cat nap...
what you looking at...everyone needs a break, once in awhile!
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