Well were less than 5 hours away until the ball drops and a new year begins. I myself, am not big on "resolutions", either you do it, or you don't. What I do like about the new year starting is, people taking a look at their life and seeing how they can improve themselves. This is very exciting to me because I get to be apart of that journey with them and help them to reach their goal. So I'm wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Here's a great idea for any meal time...chicken quiche with a spinach and strawberry salad. This was an awesome meal my Mom made, nice and light. Afterwards, I read the pie crust box and for the size of slices we had the crust alone was 200cal. way too many calories for just the crust. So my mission is to create a low cal. version of this, keep you posted.
1 pre made pie crust * 1/2 tsp. poultry seasoning
1 cup cooked chicken * pinch of salt
1 cup asparagus (sautayed for 5mins.first)
1/4 cup green onions
1/2 cup mushrooms
3 tblsp sun-dried tomatoes
mix together 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. flour, 1 1/4 cup milk(I used plain, sugar free almond milk...allergies)
BAKE for 45 mins. at 350 degrees...the more veggies you add, the longer it takes to cook, ours was almost 55mins. ENJOY!
Mel's Daily Dose hopes to inspire and motivate you to be your best. How, by giving you the latest information out there on health and fitness. New tasty recipes, some fact or fiction about your health and the newest work out exercises. Hope you'll join me!
Follow the Leeder in Personal Training and Boot Camp!

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Running on Empty
Wow what a great morning...before the rain came. I was up til 1am making more Boot Camp signs and up at 7am, putting them up around town. Coffee in belly, off I went. After they were up, the sun was out, so now or never for a run. I'm not a fan of running on an empty stomach. Some people believe that if you exercise on an empty stomach you will burn more calories, too many mixed opinions on that one. I say go with what works for you. Today was OK because it was a small run, 5km. But if I was to do a work out or longer run, I would definitely have eaten. I have seen too many clients show up for a work out in the morning, haven't eaten anything and then totally bonk in the work out. I need the energy from the food so I can go all out in my work outs. When I eat really clean, those are the best and strongest work outs I've ever had. Right now I'm dragging my butt a bit because I've been eating crap over the holidays. Think of food as fuel/gas, if you feed your body low quality nutrients, it can't perform that well. If you feed it high quality nutrients, your energy increases, your mood is better and your work outs get faster and stronger. If you do work out on an empty stomach, make sure to re fuel RIGHT AFTER your work out. You have about a 40min. window afterwards to get food into you before you bonk, because your sugar levels are dropping. So make sure you have a combination of proteins and carbs, to keep the energy flowing.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Rain or Shine
You know what I love about Victoria, rain or shine, people are out exercising! I was down at the Esquimalt Lagoon today for a run. It was so peaceful and quiet, just what I needed after a busy Christmas. I find it so inspiring to see people of all different ages and sizes out there, busting their butt, getting their work out on. Having no excuses, even when the weather is bad, they're out there, getting it done. They have a goal. I woke up this morning, feeling a bit lost as far as my own work outs go because I have NO GOAL, besides surviving the holidays! With out goals, we are lost. We need something to work towards so we can appreciate all the hard work we do for it. So maybe that is a "goal" for me, to figure out what comes next for me...I'll keep ya posted! Now go get outside!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Are your ready? Are YOU stronger, than YOUR excuses...if so Resolution Boot Camp is for you. You get 9 weeks of training, 2 x week for a total of 18 group classes. It's in a private gym with a child play area. The cost is $195. If your unsure, come try out a FREE class the week before Jan. 9th -12th. The contest starts Jan.16th-March 15th. Registration closes Jan.12. Go to my website for more details www.followtheleeder.com oh and don't forget the prizes, prizes, prizes!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Here's a twist on popsicles.
OK got some late night munchies happening because my day seems to be filled, and my second job as Santa's elf, wrapping his gifts etc... has got me up late and hungry! So here's a healthy and festive twist, on the old popsicle. I use almost 1 1/2 cups of water(I pre-measured the popsicle container which was 2 cups but put in less as the berries add volume) 2 scoops of Whey Protein powder, 1 cup mixed frozen berries, 1/2 cup Greek 0% yoghurt. Blended it all up, poured into popsicle container. Then I took a mini candy cane, mashed it with the rolling pin into a powder, then added about 1 tsp to each popsicle. I added the candy cane last because I knew most of it would get left behind in the blender. I did this with my little helper Chase, it was allot of fun, except all day he kept asking me, " are they ready yet?" so now I'm enjoying one, yum!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How good is home made soup!
Mmmmm home made soup is the best, why? Well for starters you know exactly what is in it. You can control the sodium levels, by making your own broth. If you have to buy broth in the carton, make sure to read the side label for sodium content. The cheaper brands have over 900mg per cup! The Presidents choice Blue Menu only has 110mg per cup and I believe Campbells Soup is around 300mg per cup. You don't want more than 1200mg of sodium a day, so spend the extra dollar, your health is worth it! Another great thing about soup is that you can clean out your fridge. Use left over veggies, pasta or meat, throw it in the pot with some herbs and you have a quick and healthy meal. I had leftover chicken, some whole wheat pasta and some rubbery carrots, but in soup, it's all good!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tasty treat!
Is it me or is it crazy out there, all of a sudden. Ahhh the week before Christmas and I'm still not organized! All I see out there is cookies and candy, of every kind. Yes it's hard to maintain our girl y figures at this time of year, but we must try our best. Next time you grab that sweet and put it close to your mouth, STOP and think, is this really going to taste that good...it might for 10sec. then it's gone. Is that 10 sec. worth the time and energy you just spent sweating your butt off working super hard. And most important, how are YOU going to feel after you eat it, if you can have it guilt free and stop at one, go ahead but if your going to spend the rest of the day thinking" you shouldn't have" then don't set yourself up for failure. Walk away...take that moment to feel the power, you just gave yourself. You are in control and you are worth more than that! I have a O Calorie treat for you I found at "The Market" in Milstream Village, Celestial Seasonings " candy cane lane" green tea. I've been looking at all the big box stores, and other speciality stores and could not find it til today, it's soooo yummy and curves the evening cravings, enjoy!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
A pretty view
Ahhh on days like today, I need somewhere pretty to run in order to get me motivated out of the house. A new pair of runners helps as well, Merry Christmas to me. When the weather is bla I always head to a beach for a run or work out because it is just so peaceful and beautiful out there. I have solved many of life's problems on a good run, if you saw me you'd think I was crazy because I will be having a full on conversation with myself, sometimes crying and sometimes not, but by the end, I can rule the world again. Our work outs don't always have to be an hour or hardcore, sometimes just going for a long walk or short run, is just what we needed. The fresh air and new scenery, can help us to refocus, get away from it all, or calm ourselves down. There are soooo many great places around Victoria to check out, I was at the Esquimalt Lagoon this morning, so get your shoes on and get out there!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
My food diary and work out schedual
Ok I'm back in action, took yesterday off trying to get through this cold! I thought you might be interested in what I eat and do for a work out in a day. So I will do my food diary and up date my blog through out the day and tonight so you can follow. Here goes...
7am up. coffee/shake-1 scoope protein powder, 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen blueberrys.
10:15am apple
9am-11am hair dressers and ran some errands.
11am-1:30pm loaded garbage and carpet to the dump, dusty!
1:45pm tuna sandwhich, loaded with veggies on w/w bread, got it from Daddy's soup and sandy's in Colwood, across the intersection of JDF Rec. centre, soooo yummy!
5pm handful of popcorn...yes quality snack, I was doing reno's, cut me some slack!
6:30 home made Shepard's Pie, lean ground beef, lots of veggies, topped with potatoes.
OK had hopes of getting a run in today, but that's not happening as I need to finish some painting...note to self, get your work out done in the early AM!!!!
7am up. coffee/shake-1 scoope protein powder, 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen blueberrys.
10:15am apple
9am-11am hair dressers and ran some errands.
11am-1:30pm loaded garbage and carpet to the dump, dusty!
1:45pm tuna sandwhich, loaded with veggies on w/w bread, got it from Daddy's soup and sandy's in Colwood, across the intersection of JDF Rec. centre, soooo yummy!
5pm handful of popcorn...yes quality snack, I was doing reno's, cut me some slack!
6:30 home made Shepard's Pie, lean ground beef, lots of veggies, topped with potatoes.
OK had hopes of getting a run in today, but that's not happening as I need to finish some painting...note to self, get your work out done in the early AM!!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Head cold
Easy day today, got up drank coffee, had a 2 hour nap, went for a long walk down Dallas road with my brother, drank more coffee, back to bed. Not feeling like a rock star today, this cold is kicking my butt, have a good night.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
What motivates you?
Oh MOTIVATION, wish you could bottle it and sell it...mmm coffee for me comes close! Where do I get my motivation from...well I love my job, that's a start, but don't get me wrong. I don't go skipping down the stairs full of glee everyday to get my work out in. I, like you, get into a funk as well. I've been doing this long enough to know that when that happens, means I'm board and need to do something new. I remember after having my son, I was going to "allow" myself to take some time off from training and to be guilt free about it, didn't happen. I was soon down in the gym, trying to work out, some days crying because I was so tired, but felt pressure (from myself only)to get back into shape again, I must practise what I preach! Well it took over 2 years to get my back sorted out, tough birth, and I was all over the map trying new things. So just because I'm a trainer and have a gym, I am just like you and need to suck it up everyday to reach my goal. The only difference is our choice, to either do it, or not. There is no magic pill, or special shake or set work out that is going to make it easier. IT"S LIKE GIVING BIRTH, loosing weight is not easy! I wish people would stop sugar coating it and say it like it is. It's really freak'n hard, but we love the challenge, that's what it's all about, not the end result. When your in your work out, the clock is on, your heart is racing, you can't catch your breath, you think your legs are going to give out, and then you do it... PUSH YOURSELF for that one last rep, that's it, right there, THE MOMENT, it's all worth it, when you thought you couldn't do any more, instead you pushed through the fear and WAhoooo, realized you totally just rocked it! That "moment" is what motivates me.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Extra time
Ok so were in the middle of reno's, new floors, house is upside down, really my couch was in the kitchen on my kitchen table! We have one TV between 7 of us, family visiting, and I have to say I don't miss it. It is amazing how much one can do in a day if your not watching TV. Don't get me wrong I like some of the "mindless" TV shows out there, but out of site, out of mind. So the thought occurred to me, because often I'm asked how do I find time to work out and when I answer, 6am sometimes just to get it done, that is not an answer people are wanting to hear. So if your not getting your work out in, how much time do you spend watching TV?
Monday, December 12, 2011
C is for cookie...I mean vitamin C.
OK feeling a little under the weather, need to load up on the vitamin C and fast, although at this point, not sure if it can help me. Here's a yummy recipe, turkey stuffed peppers, super low fat and packed with vitamin C. Did you know red, yellow and orange peppers are packed full of vitamin C, one pepper contains about 345mg, more than your daily dose which is between 75mg-for women and 90mg for men, so dig in! Quick side note, I often get asked if one should work out if they have a cold. Each to his/her own, for myself, I took today off because I feel really tired and my head is foggy, other than that I'm fine. You don't want to bring your germs with you to a gym, no one appreciates that, and if your tired, take a rest day, you'll likely recover faster. Unlike my visiting brother who is sick as well, went to the gym today, almost threw up in the car, still went in for a work out, did 3 exercises, felt faint(ya think!) and then finally left...take the day off people!
Here's the recipe, heat oven to 325 degrees, fry up 1 onion, add 2 packages of ground turkey, while browning add 1 Tblsp Cumen, 1 tsp garlic powder and some pepper, then add 1 cup mushrooms and 1/2 cup salsa. When that's all cooked up add 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro, mix altogether. Cut peppers in half, and stuff with turkey mixture. Use a large baking pan and fill bottom with chicken stock just enough to cover bottom pan, so peppers don't burn. Place stuffed peppers in pan, load into the over for 30mins. then your good to go! kids love them with a bit of cheese sprinkled on top, enjoy.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Pack emergency snacks!
OK this is going to be short and sweet. I was stuck in the car with the whole family coming back home from a Christmas family lunch, only to be stuck in traffic for over 2 hours! There was an accident on the Malahat and we were stuck in the middle. So with the snow around the corner, pack your car up with some essentials, like water,lots of snacks, small toys and a deck of cards...cause you might be sitting for awhile...oh toilet paper for the little ones, we learned tonight, is a good idea too!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
It's not the gifts.
Wow, I just had an awesome day today. I was very lucky to feel and be apart of some Christmas spirit today. My son's preschool had a community event, pancake breakfast, bake and craft sale, the kids sang Christmas songs, almost made me cry and Santa came for a visit. Everything done today was by volunteers and it was an amazing event. I haven't felt this sense of community in a long, long time. I was very happy today with family all around and it wasn't about toys or gifts. Everyone was feeding off of the positive energy and it was all free. It's truly amazing what can happen when we put a little effort forward, towards someone else, what you get in return is the true feeling of joy that money just can't buy!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Just get it done!
Wow, good thing I was up with the roosters this morning to get my work out in. I knew it was going to be a crazy day, family in town, preschool fundraiser set up and shopping. I'm so glad I got my work out in, it was the only thing that kept me sane the whole day. Make a point, and priority to get your work out done first thing, as the holiday season is here and our days are full. Schedual it in like any other appointment and stick to it, YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
What to do with left over veggies?
Have you ever opened the veggie draw in your fridge and gotten frustrated by all the rubbery veggies staring back at you. You had good intentions in buying them but somehow just forgot. All those poor lonely veggies, just waiting to be eaten. Well here's a yummy recipe that even the kids will like. Cut up any and every veggie you want, I used yams, mushroom, peppers, cauliflower and onions. Set oven to 400 degrees, use a roasting pan, put 2 tblsp olive oil in the pan, add veggies, toss it all up, and I like to add Club House brand Montreal Steak spice and bake for 30mins. For the kids I sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on top. Cold left overs are great in salads or wraps, or reheat with some eggs, enjoy!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Load up on snacks!
OK word of advice, get your fridge and cupboards loaded with your favourite, HEALTHY snacks. Get them cut up and ready to eat, so when you have the erg, your will grab them instead of the cookies. I baked cookies last night and of course had to have a "trial bite" which turned into 3 cookies later! Within the hour my stomach had bloated out and I felt grouse...I could feel the butter going through my veins! I will spare you the rest of the details. Once you start eating clean, and then make a poor food choice, your body will let you know. One way or the other it won't go unnoticed. Here's a tip, next time you are tempted, take a second to remember what happens to you, when you put that crap in your mouth. Remind yourself how hard you have been working and how much effort you've put into this goal, is it worth it?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Why do we self sabotage!
Ok I will confess, I had a small bowl of ice cream last night. I know that it goes straight to my thighs, I can feel it as I eat it! My brother is visiting so we went on an ice cream run to get his favourite, Island's only, Utter Guys. I justified it because it was "special occasion" and the worst part is that I'm allergic to dairy! So why do we "go down the rabbit hole" knowing it's not going to have a happy ending? I think self indulging once in awhile is a good thing as long as you have a plan. Yes, have the ice cream, enjoy it, and don't feel guilty. The next day get on with the program, ie your work out and clean eating. One treat is not going to derail you if you are consistent in your efforts. I encourage using a food dairy to all my clients. It's a great tool that keeps you aware of the amount of food you are actually eating. By keeping a daily log, you keep yourself accountable and will therefore make better food choices. Give it a try, yes I know at first it seems like another chore but after a week you will see the value in it! Make a new habit.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The holiday rush begins!
Ahhh the Christmas rush has begun, felt it this morning trying to get err ons done before preschool was out. I tell myself every year to mellow out, and not put unrealistic expectations on myself. Why do we do this to ourselves...it's the same as setting our fitness goals, are our expectations to high, are we over scheduled and burning the candle at both ends. I'd say yes! My clients always say they need their work outs to keep them sane. So somewhere, something has to change, don't be afraid to put yourself first. When Mommy's happy, the family is happy! I taste tested some Power Protein Oatmeal pancakes on my Boot Camp clients this morning. I think they hit the spot right after a work out. I made 4 palm size pancakes, nutritional breakdown per pancake Cal.71 / Protein 5g / Fat 2.5g / Carbs 6g / Fiber 1g / Sugar 0
Here's the recipe:
Here's the recipe:
- 6 egg whites, beaten until fluffy
1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup oatmeal, uncooked
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup flax seed
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp canola oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Place all ingredients except egg whites in a food processor and pulse or blend until mixture is uniform.
Pour blended ingredients into a bowl and fold in the egg whites
Prepare a griddle with cooking spray. Ladle pancake mixture onto griddle and cook until both sides are browned.
Pour blended ingredients into a bowl and fold in the egg whites
Prepare a griddle with cooking spray. Ladle pancake mixture onto griddle and cook until both sides are browned.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
December 5th / 2011
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